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Strong Man Doing Pull up Exercise in the Gym - TruHeight

Do Pull-Ups Make You Taller?

Escrito por: Jelly Jabla



Tiempo de lectura 8 min

Pull-ups are one of the most popular exercises to boost upper body and core strength. It involves hanging your whole weight off from a bar using only your hands and pulling yourself up until your chest touches the bar, without using your feet or legs the entire time.

Because pull-ups suspend the entire body in the air, many people believe that it elongates their body and increases their height. But is that actually true?

Can Pull-Ups Make You Taller?

To determine whether or not pull-ups can make one taller, we must first identify the factors that influence height. 80% of a person’s height potential is determined by their genetics.

You usually grow as tall as your parents, sometimes taller or shorter depending on biological mechanisms and environmental factors, which make up the remaining 20%. These include:

  • Hormones: High levels of secretion of the human growth hormone (HGH) during a child’s formative years can increase their height potential.
  • Nutrition: A healthy balanced diet supplies the body with the nutrients it needs to increase bone density, mass, and strength during the body’s growth spurt. Height can be an indicator of a person’s nutrition during childhood.
  • Sex: Females experience puberty earlier than males, beginning their growth spurt at the age of 10 and ending at the age of 14. Males, on the other hand, grow from ages 13 to 18. Females also have less height potential than males, only growing an average of 63.5 inches in height compared to men who can grow up to 69 inches, according to the CDC.
  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions can affect height and lead to growth retardation, such as arthritis, down syndrome, or dwarfism. Some, like gigantism, can also make someone unnaturally tall despite their genetics.
  • Physical activity: Physical activity can increase the secretion of HGH from the brain’s pituitary gland, which then stimulates bone growth by triggering epiphyses. These growth plates close after adolescence, which consequently slows down HGH secretions and stops height development.

Because height is primarily influenced by genetics and certain environmental factors that occur during puberty, there’s really not much that an adult, who has reached peak height, can do to increase their linear growth. They can, however, work to combat age-related shrinking.

According to studies, adults gradually lose height as they age due to spinal compression caused by osteoporosis. Women can experience height loss of as much as two inches between the ages of 30 to 70 while men lose about an inch.

While pull-ups can’t directly increase height, they can help prevent height loss as we age, allowing you to enjoy your full height potential. Pull-ups primarily strengthen your core, the part of your body that supports your spine and encourages proper posture. With core strength, you can keep your body balanced and improve your posture, which can make you appear up to 2 inches taller.

Proper Pull-Up Form To Increase Height

Woman Doing Pull Ups

As with any type of exercise, having the proper form is essential to achieve results. When it comes to pull-ups, that means you can’t just pull your weight up casually. The wrong hand placement, grip, or pull will not only make the workout counterproductive but may also cause injury to your shoulders, arms, elbows, and neck.

For pull-ups to have an effect on your core strength and posture, here’s the proper form that you need to observe:

  • Stand under the exercise bar. Keep your arms overhead with palms facing outward.
  • Jump and grab hold of the bar. Make sure you have a firm hold on it, with your thumbs wrapped around the handle. Don’t hold on too tightly and keep your hands in a comfortable grip.
  • The exercise bar should be low enough for you to reach by jumping but high enough to keep your feet off the floor completely.
  • Cross one leg over the other. This will help engage your core and keep your lower body and spine stabilized.
  • Slowly pull yourself upward, with your elbows bending and pointing directly toward the floor. While you pull, make sure you’re not swinging your body. Keep it straight and firm.
  • Continue pulling yourself up until your chin is level with the bar.
  • Hold this position for a second, and then slowly lower your body down. Make sure you control your body as you lower and avoid dropping your weight and putting strain on your shoulders and elbows.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

Height-Increasing Pull-Up Alternatives For Beginners

It takes a lot of upper body and core strength to successfully complete a pull-up. Those new to strength exercises can slowly condition their muscles with these alternative exercises before reaching for the pull-up bar.

1. Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell rows are beginner-friendly movements that will build your back muscles and strengthen your shoulders. Start by picking up a pair of dumbbells that weigh as much as you’re comfortable lifting.

Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and then bend your knees slightly. Bend your body 45 degrees and ensure you’re holding the dumbbells with your palms facing each other.

Take a deep breath in and pull the dumbbells toward the side of your chest while you exhale. Avoid moving your wrists and maintain a firm grasp on the dumbbells. In a controlled manner, lower the weights back to starting position.

Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

2. Inverted Bodyweight Rows

Inverted bodyweight rows are an easier alternative to the regular pull-up, with your feet supported by the floor as you pull your body upwards. This exercise works your arm muscles and improves your grip strength.

To do an inverted bodyweight row, you’ll need access to a squat rack or Smith machine. Set the bar’s height so that it aligns with your waist. Lie stiffly on the floor, facing up under the bar. Grab the bar with your palms facing away from you, with your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Keep your body completely straight and contract your glutes and core. Pull yourself upward and pause when your chest touches the bar. Lower yourself down to starting position in a controlled manner.

Inverted Bodyweight Rows

3. Negative Pull-Ups

In a regular pull-up, you start down and pull your weight up. Negative pull-ups work the opposite way. You focus on lowering your body with control and form and use support to propel your weight upwards. This variation is easier than a pull-up and is a great way to get you acclimated to working with an exercise bar.

To start, find a gym box or bench you can step on. It should be high enough to bring you chin-level with the exercise bar. You can also find a buddy to work as a spotter or use resistance bands.

Now, hold the bar overhand, shoulder-width apart. Get off of your platform and lower yourself down. Aim for at least 3-8 seconds of lowering, keeping your core engaged and your shoulder blades squeezed.

Keep your movement controlled and avoid suddenly dropping your weight. When your hands are fully straight, hold for a second and go back to your platform or support for another rep.

Negative Pull-Ups

How Often To Do Pull-Ups To Increase Height

One gym session with pull-ups won’t be enough for you to improve your posture and core strength. You need consistency and dedication to maximize this workout to make you appear taller and counter age-related shrinking.

Ideally, you should aim to do 3 to 4 sets of 10 pull-ups each between 2 to 3 times a week. Don’t go above this as your muscles need to rest and recover between sessions. Remember to always listen to your body and avoid overtraining to yield the best results.

Add TruHeight Vitamins To Your Health Routine

While pull-ups can’t directly affect your height, they can make you appear taller by improving your posture and ensuring you maintain your maximum height potential as you age.

Supplement your workout with TruHeight Cápsulas de Crecimiento, a concoction of vitamins, minerals, and protein that your body needs for optimal growth and wellness.

Growth Capsules: 

For a more concentrated boost, TruHeight Cápsulas de Crecimiento are the ideal choice. Formulated with a precise blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, these capsules provide your body with the necessary fuel for optimal growth. It's a convenient and effective way to supplement your height optimization journey. Elevate your growth potential and watch as you rise to new heights with TruHeight Cápsulas de Crecimiento.

Growth Gummies: 


TruHeight Growth Gummies are the delicious secret to your height optimization journey. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, these gummies are designed to support healthy growth during crucial developmental stages. With every bite, you're giving your body the nutrients it needs to reach its full height potential. Embrace a tasty way to grow taller and stand tall with confidence.

Sleep Gummies: 

Quality sleep is the secret ingredient to height optimization. TruHeight Sleep Gummies, infused with melatonin, are your ticket to restorative rest. These gummies help regulate your sleep cycle, ensuring you get the deep, uninterrupted sleep needed for growth. With TruHeight Sleep Gummies, you're creating the ideal environment for height enhancement during the night. Wake up refreshed and ready to stand taller with confidence.

Protein Shake: 

Protein is the foundation of growth and repair, and TruHeight Protein Shake is here to ensure you're getting the right amount. Designed as a fundamental building block for height development, this shake offers a convenient way to supplement your protein intake. Strengthen your body, support muscle growth, and lay a strong foundation for height enhancement with TruHeight Protein Shake.

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Does TruHeight have any side effects?

We're happy to let you know that we haven't received any reports of negative side effects from TruHeight since we began our company. It's always important to listen to your body and if you have any concerns, please consult with your doctor. We strive to provide safe and effective products for our customers, and we're always here to help if you have any further questions or concerns.

Does TruHeight contain any stimulants, HGH, or steroids?

No, all of Truheight's products are natural blends of herbs and vitamins.

How long does it take to see results?

TruHeight is designed to support healthy bone growth and development over time with consistent use. The results may vary from person to person, and it may take some time to see noticeable changes in height. We recommend taking the suggested dosage of TruHeight supplements daily, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, for at least 6 months to a year to achieve the best results. It's important to note that TruHeight is not a magic solution for height growth, but rather a natural and safe way to support healthy growth and development.

Is TruHeight FDA Approved?

The FDA regulates prescription and over-the-counter drugs, not supplements. That said, our natural, 100% drug-free supplements are manufactured in the USA in a facility that adheres to the requirements of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and uses Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) to ensure its safety.