Ponemos a prueba
nuestras innovaciones
de crecimiento.
Muchos suplementos nunca se prueban clínicamente para comprobar su eficacia. ¿Estás de acuerdo con eso? Nosotros tampoco.
Investigaciones clínicas demuestran que TruHeight funciona.
Estudio de Patrones de Crecimiento Infantil.
After a 6-month clinical pilot trial, children taking TruHeight® daily were reported, by the evaluating clinicians, to have statistically significant increase in Collagen X compared to those in the control group.
At TruHeight®, we are committed to supporting your child's growth by focusing on scientifically reliable methods. In our recent clinical study, we chose to measure Collagen X levels, a critical bio-marker closely linked to the activity in the growth plates of developing bones.
reflecting real-time bone growth rates.
In our study, children who took TruHeight® experienced a remarkable 43.91% higher level of Collagen X. This significant increase is not just a statistical figure; it translates to enhanced growth plate activity and, consequently, a more robust rate of linear bone growth. By harnessing the power of Collagen X, TruHeight®'s specially formulated supplements are designed to provide targeted nutritional support that works in harmony with the body's natural growth mechanisms.
Un estudio revela que la mala alimentación en las escuelas puede resultar en una diferencia de estatura de 7.8 pulgadas
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¿En qué proporción influye la genética en la estatura humana y en qué medida la nutrición?
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