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Young Athletes Training Soccer with Coach

Best Foods For Height Growth: A Guide For Young Athletes

Escrito por: Earl Jhon Nadayag



Tiempo de lectura 6 min

Ready, set, goal! What a perfect time to be a parent of young athletes. With sports in the limelight, there's no wonder your little ones love to be involved with such physical activities.

Nurturing your future athletes is all about giving them proper nutrition. And with that, it means picking the best foods that would benefit them most. That's why it's great seeing you in this article today: we will talk about that.

So get your game face ready and continue to read on!

Proper Nutrition Goes A Long Way

Ensuring that your young athlete gets their proper nutrition should be a priority. Not only will this give their nutrition levels a much-needed boost, but it is also the key to healthy height growth [₁]. Children not receiving adequate nutrition can lead to various health complications, including stunted growth.

So, what is "stunted growth" all about? According to the World Health Organization, stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. [₂]. It is typically identified when a child's height is significantly below the average for their age and gender.

This condition has been a persistent issue for many years, as nutritional deficiencies among children remain a widespread concern. By ensuring children have access to a well-balanced diet filled with essential nutrients, we can help prevent stunting and support their healthy growth and development.

Healthy Food and Sports Lifestlye

But beware! It's not only height that is affected by stunting; cognitive abilities are affected, too. According to a study of Mustakim et al. (2022), children who have experienced stunting from around six months to 6 years of age have difficulties with cognitive-intensive tasks [₃].

If not prevented early on, it will lead to chronic malnutrition that is irreversible. It may lead to further complications like cognitive delays that will carry on from infancy to adulthood (De Sanctis et al., 2021) [₄].

Parents want the best for their young athletes, including optimal growth. It's crucial to provide the proper nutrition. Foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals, such as milk, yogurt, leafy greens, eggs, lean meats, fish, nuts, and fruits, can contribute to healthy growth. While genetics, physical activity, and overall health also play a role, a balanced diet with height-supporting foods provides a solid foundation for their growth.

Power Up Your Young Athlete With Healthy Foods

There's no better way to give your young athletes much-needed power than by giving them nutritious foods. Who needs that fast food junk when there are healthier options available around? Here are some of the best foods to consider:

Dairy Products

Dairy products such as milk, cottage cheese, and Greek yogurt are excellent sources of calcium and vitamin D [₅], both of which are essential for healthy bone development and growth. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth [₆], while vitamin D supports calcium absorption and bone health [₇]. Including dairy in your young athlete’s diet can help provide the nutrients needed to maintain strong bones and support their active lifestyle. Opt for low-fat or fat-free options to balance nutrient intake with overall caloric needs.

dairy products


Eggs are a nutrient-dense food packed with high-quality protein, which is crucial for muscle repair and growth [₈]. They also provide essential vitamins like vitamin B12 and riboflavin, which help with energy metabolism. The versatility of eggs makes them an easy addition to meals—whether boiled, scrambled, or turned into an omelet, they can be tailored to suit various preferences. Including eggs regularly in your child’s diet can help meet their daily protein and nutrient requirements.


Whole Grains

Whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and whole-grain pasta, are rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, and essential micronutrients like magnesium and B vitamins. These nutrients provide sustained energy, supporting young athletes during their physical activities (Purcell, LK, 2013) [₉]. Whole grains also aid digestion and keep kids feeling full and energized throughout the day. Replacing refined grains with whole-grain alternatives is a simple way to enhance the nutritional value of meals.

Whole Grains

Leafy Greens

Leafy green vegetables, including spinach, kale, and broccoli, are packed with vital nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, iron, and magnesium. These nutrients are essential for healthy bone growth, immune function, and energy production [₁₀]. Iron, in particular, helps transport oxygen in the blood, which is critical for athletic performance. Encouraging children to consume leafy greens can be made easier by incorporating them into soups, smoothies, or other dishes they enjoy.

Leafy Greens


Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which play a key role in brain development and reducing inflammation in the body [₁₁]. It is also rich in high-quality protein and vitamin D, which contribute to bone health and muscle growth. Preparing salmon in kid-friendly ways, such as baking it with a honey glaze or shaping it into salmon patties, can make it more appealing. Including fatty fish like salmon in your young athlete's diet supports both their physical growth and cognitive development.

Grilled Salmon Fillet with Vegetables on a Plate

By focusing on balanced, nutrient-rich meals, you can help your young athlete stay fueled and prepared for every challenge. These wholesome choices make it easy to provide both variety and nutrition, ensuring they’re ready to perform their best while growing strong and healthy.

Creative Ways to Include Foods in Your Young Athlete's Diet

Encouraging kids to enjoy nutritious foods can be a challenge, but with a little creativity, it’s easier than you think. Here are a few simple ways to make growth-supporting foods more appealing:

  • Leafy Greens: Blend spinach or kale into fruit smoothies for a nutrient-packed drink that masks the vegetable flavor. You can also finely chop greens and mix them into sauces, soups, or even burger patties.
  • Whole Grains: Use whole-wheat tortillas for wraps or switch to whole-grain pasta for a healthier twist on classic dishes. Homemade pizzas with whole-wheat crusts are another fun and nutritious option.
  • Eggs: Get creative with omelets by adding colorful vegetables, cheese, and even diced lean meats. You can also bake mini frittatas in muffin tins for a grab-and-go snack.
  • Dairy Products: Turn yogurt into a fun treat by layering it with granola and fresh fruits to make parfaits. Cottage cheese can be topped with berries and honey for a quick, protein-rich snack.
  • Salmon: Prepare salmon as bite-sized patties, fish tacos, or glaze it with a honey and soy sauce mixture for a kid-friendly flavor profile.

With these creative ideas, you can make nutritious meals exciting, ensuring your young athlete gets the essential nutrients needed for growth without the mealtime struggles.

That’s it! You’re Now Ready!

Now that you’ve explored the best foods for height growth and practical ways to include them in your young athlete’s diet, you’re well-equipped to support their development and performance. Providing balanced, nutrient-rich meals ensures they get the fuel they need to stay strong, active, and ready to take on any challenge.

With the right nutrition and a little creativity in the kitchen, you can make mealtimes enjoyable and impactful. Watch as your young athlete thrives, building the foundation for their growth, health, and success both on and off the field.


 [₁]  Perkins JM, Subramanian SV, Davey Smith G, Özaltin E. Adult height, nutrition, and population health. Nutr Rev. 2016 Mar;74(3):149-65. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuv105. PMID: 26928678; PMCID: PMC4892290.

 [₂]  World Health Organization. (2015, November 19). Stunting in a nutshell. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from

 [₃]  Mustakim MRD, Irwanto, Irawan R, Irmawati M, Setyoboedi B. Impact of Stunting on Development of Children between 1-3 Years of Age. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2022 May;32(3):569-578. doi: 10.4314/ejhs.v32i3.13. PMID: 35813667; PMCID: PMC9214736.

 [₄]  De Sanctis V, Soliman A, Alaaraj N, Ahmed S, Alyafei F, Hamed N. Early and Long-term Consequences of Nutritional Stunting: From Childhood to Adulthood. Acta Biomed. 2021 Feb 16;92(1):e2021168. doi: 10.23750/abm.v92i1.11346. PMID: 33682846; PMCID: PMC7975963.

 [₅]  American Dairy Association North East. (n.d.). Dairy foods and calcium & vitamin D. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from,calcium%20and%20vitamin%20D%20intake.

 [₆]  American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (n.d.). Calcium, nutrition, and bone health. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from

 [₇]  National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. (n.d.). Calcium and vitamin D: Important for bone health. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from,our%20muscles%20and%20immune%20system.

 [₈]  Australian Eggs. (n.d.). Health benefits of eggs. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from,about%206.3%20grams%20of%20protein.

 [₉]  Purcell LK; Canadian Paediatric Society, Paediatric Sports and Exercise Medicine Section. Sport nutrition for young athletes. Paediatr Child Health. 2013 Apr;18(4):200-5. doi: 10.1093/pch/18.4.200. PMID: 24421690; PMCID: PMC3805623.

 [₁₀]  Summa Health. (2024, March). Eat your way to better health: Why leafy greens are your magic weapon. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from,bone%20health%20and%20cell%20growth.

 [₁₁]  Healthline. (n.d.). Salmon oil benefits: What you need to know. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from,brain%20health%2C%20and%20reduced%20inflammation.