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How to Increase Height After 21

Written by: Jelly Jabla


Date Published


Time to read 11 min

Height is one of the physical factors that concern most individuals, affecting their self-esteem and emotional state of mind. The taller you are, the more confident and socially desirable you look. And the shorter you are, the more vulnerable you feel.

A study conducted at Oxford University delved deeper into how height plays a role in a person’s state of mind. 60 women participated in a 3D virtual reality experience of riding the subway at their normal height and then later at a height reduced by 10 inches.

In the simulation where height was reduced, the participants reported feeling more negative about themselves, with an increased sense of vulnerability and paranoia. This reinforces the emotional and psychological impact of height on a person’s self-esteem and sense of social status.

With societal standards telling us that taller individuals are more confident and have a higher status, it’s no wonder that many adults are unsatisfied with their height. So after the age of 21 when the body has reached its full growth spurt, plenty look for ways to gain a couple of inches taller.

Height is largely dependent on genetics, which means there isn’t a lot one can do to increase their height after puberty. But there are certain lifestyles and habits that can help support growth and prevent height loss as we age.

What Determines Height?

Cute Little Children Measuring Height

A person’s height is primarily influenced by genetics. 80% of a person’s height is determined by the DNA they inherited from mom and dad, so children are usually expected to grow as tall as their parents.

As for the other 20%, differences in biological mechanisms and environmental factors come into play. To a small extent, the following can also have effects on height:

  • Hormones: The human growth hormone (HGH) plays a significant role in influencing height and building bones and muscles. HGH levels increase during childhood but peak during puberty and naturally reduce as a person ages.
  • Sex assigned at birth: Females have less height potential than males. According to the CDC, they typically stop growing earlier, at age 15, and reach an average adult height of 5 feet and 3 inches. In comparison, males experience growth spurts up until the age of 18, reaching an average height of 5 feet and 9 inches.
  • Nutrition: Individuals who meet their body’s nutritional needs are able to support their growth and achieve a taller stature. In contrast, those with inadequate nutrition can hinder their body’s growth potential.
  • Level of activity: High levels of physical activity during childhood facilitate the release of HGH in the brain’s pituitary gland. As such, children with active lifestyles tend to experience more growth than those without exercise.
  • Certain medical conditions: There are conditions that affect how a person grows during childhood, making them taller or shorter than intended by their genetic makeup. Some of these include arthritis, down syndrome, dwarfism, and gigantism.

Why Does Height Stop Increasing?

The secretion of the human growth hormone, which plays an important role in height and bone development, is highly dependent on gender, pubertal status, and age. During puberty, a 3-fold increase in HGH secretion occurs and reaches its peak. This happens a little earlier in females (14-15 years of age) than in males (16-18 years of age).

During this time, HGH helps stimulate bone growth at the growth plates or epiphyses. Once the growth plates close or fuse, HGH secretions begin to slow down. As a result, height development also ceases.

Ways To Increase Height After 21

Increasing height after puberty is difficult, if not impossible. However, there are still habits that you can adopt to maintain a healthy lifestyle, look taller, and prevent height loss that comes with aging.

1. Eat a Nutritious Diet

A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that short adult height in low and middle-income countries is driven by nutrition, among other environmental conditions. It suggests that countries with improved diets can lead to height increase, primarily due to the decreased risk of diseases that contribute to height loss.

A nutritious and balanced diet, complete with leafy greens, whole grains, lean meats, and fruits, provides the body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to prevent bone loss and maintain bone strength. Aim to consume food that is rich in calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorous, and vitamin D, all of which are important for growth and height gain.

Fitness Woman Eating Balanced Healthy Meal

2. Do Yoga

Yoga is an exercise meant to improve body flexibility and bone density, both of which can lead to better posture and a taller appearance. It’s especially beneficial for people with bone diseases that lead to slouching and height loss.

In an International Journal of Yoga study, researchers found that yoga can increase bone density in postmenopausal women suffering from osteoporosis, helping their bones retain calcium and preventing bone loss in adulthood.


3. Get Proper Sleep

The HGH conducts its functions during deep sleep, so getting adequate sleep at night is crucial for adult growth and in preventing diseases of low bone mass. Aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep, while maintaining correct sleep posture.

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, your ears, shoulders, and hips should be aligned when you sleep, regardless of your sleeping position.

Here are some tips to enhance sleep quality and facilitate deep sleep:

  • Invest in a firm and comfortable mattress
  • Keep the bedroom dark and quiet
  • Practice deep breathing a couple of minutes before bedtime
  • Wear clean, comfortable clothes to bed
Woman Sleeping on a Bed

4. Get Sun Exposure

Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, a group of fat-soluble secosteroids that is vital for bone growth, bone mineral metabolism, and reaching peak bone mass. Supplying the body with enough vitamin D can help prevent osteoporosis.

The sun is healthiest for the body early in the morning and late in the afternoon when UV rays aren’t as harsh. Go out for a walk or bask under the sun between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM or after 4:00 PM.

Restoring my vitamin D levels

5. Maintain Good Posture

Improper posture can make you appear shorter than you actually are and cause poor development of your back and neck, which leads to height loss as you age. Standing and sitting straight can do a lot in increasing your perceived height, not to mention keeping proper space between the vertebra and reducing back pain from slouching.

When standing, be mindful of the position of your body. Your shoulders should be pushed back with your belly towards your spine, engaging your core muscles lightly. Your head level should be in line with your body and your feet shoulder-width apart.

Keep your weight centered and supported by the balls of your feet to remove unnecessary strain on your back and shoulders. But remember not to stand or walk stiffly. Let your arms hang naturally at the sides of your body.

When sitting, make sure your chair is high enough for you to keep your feet flat and thighs parallel to the floor. Let your shoulders rest comfortably and avoid crossing your legs.

Woman with good and bad posture

6. Meditate

The pituitary gland in the human brain is responsible for the secretion of HGH, which helps in growth and bone development. When stimulated, its growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) triggers GHRH receptors to increase the rate of HGH secretions to the body.

One unprecedented way to stimulate the pituitary gland is through pituitary gland meditation, which has been shown to help with increasing heights in adults by 2-3 inches. It is done by clearing the mind of all noise and focusing all your thoughts and energy on the pituitary gland to give it the necessary stimulation to promote growth.

Yoga meditation

7. Strengthen the Core

Your core muscles, located in the abdomen and spinal column, help support your spine and keep your body in the proper posture. When your core muscles are weak, your spine compresses, leading you to slouch and appear shorter. Strengthening your core can help you maintain the proper posture when standing or sitting.

There are plenty of easy exercises you can do for core strength. Here are some that you can incorporate into your day:

Man Making Abdominal Exercises at Home
Woman doing planking Exercises
Man Doing Exercise on Mat at Home
  • Abdominal crunch: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor. Use your core to raise your head and shoulders towards your knees. Hold for a second, and slowly bring your upper body down. Repeat 15 times for 2 to 3 sets.
  • Plank: Get into a pushup position with your hands planted on the floor and your shoulders slightly wider than shoulder width. Hold the position, ensuring you keep your core engaged.
  • Superman: Lie flat on your stomach with your arms, legs, and head extended off the floor. Only your stomach and pelvis should be touching the ground. Hold the position for 3 to 5 seconds, then bring the rest of your body down. Repeat for 2 to 3 sets of 8 reps each.

8. Stretch and Exercise

Physical activity is known to stimulate the secretion of HGH and other anabolic hormones, which in turn can facilitate stature growth. In adults, exercise can provide the mechanical and metabolic stimuli that the body needs for reparative growth, increasing the volume of organs and tissues in the musculoskeletal system.

Some growth-inducing exercises include:

Bar Hanging Exercise
Fit Woman Doing a Burpee Exercise.
Woman standing in Forward Bend
Man Exercising with Jump-Rope
men exercising high jumps
  • Bar hanging: Stand below a bar and jump to catch and hold onto it with your palms facing forward. Hang on to the bar for 5 to 10 seconds. Release the bar and repeat 15 times. 
  • Burpees: Stand straight with your feet together and shoulders relaxed. Squat and reach for the floor with your fingertips. Press the ground with the palms of your hands while stretching your legs backward. Go back to the squat position and jump, landing on your feet with your legs straight and back to the standing position. Complete 10 burpees.
  • Forward bend: Stand straight with your feet together and hands on your side. Raise your hand over your head while you inhale. Bend down with your head on your knee and hands planted on the floor while you exhale. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Inhale and slowly raise your body up to your initial position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Rope jumping: Stand straight with your feet together and shoulders relaxed. Swing the jump rope by rotating your wrists, jumping before it touches your feet. Complete 30-50 jumps.
  • Spot high jump: Stand straight with your shoulders relaxed, your feet together, and your hands on your side. Engage your core, and jump as high as you can using your leg and arm power while keeping your body straight. Bend your knees when you land to avoid straining your feet. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times. 

Sports activities like cycling and swimming also qualify as physical activities that can stimulate growth.

Take Supplements

While growth ceases by the age of 21, your body still needs adequate vitamins and minerals to keep your bones healthy and prevent height loss as you grow older. Supplements can help you ensure you’re supplying your body with the nutrition it needs to facilitate bone strength and maintain your overall health and wellness.

Look for supplements rich in vitamin D and calcium, which improve bone density and help prevent poor posture, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

How To Prevent Height Loss

Studies show that a person can lose as much as half an inch of height per decade, a process that starts when they reach 30 years of age. This height loss can be attributed to spine compression or bone diseases like osteoporosis, which usually stems from poor posture and a lack of nutrition.

To combat age-related shrinking, here are some tips:

  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in calcium and vitamin D
  • Do weight-bearing exercises to support muscle growth - for example, pull ups.
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Take supplements to supply the body with the necessary nutrients

Stay Healthy And Grow Taller With TruHeight Vitamins

TruHeight Vitamins is a concoction of all the essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins that your body needs to induce height and keep your health in check.

Blended with a mix of nutrients that target growth factors like nutrition, hormones, sleep, stress, and immunity, this supplement is an effective solution to help you grow taller after 21.


Add TruHeight Capsules to your diet today. 

Growth Capsules: 

For a more concentrated boost, TruHeight Growth Capsules are the ideal choice. Formulated with a precise blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, these capsules provide your body with the necessary fuel for optimal growth. It's a convenient and effective way to supplement your height optimization journey. Elevate your growth potential and watch as you rise to new heights with TruHeight Growth Capsules.

Growth Gummies: 


TruHeight Growth Gummies are the delicious secret to your height optimization journey. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, these gummies are designed to support healthy growth during crucial developmental stages. With every bite, you're giving your body the nutrients it needs to reach its full height potential. Embrace a tasty way to grow taller and stand tall with confidence.

Sleep Gummies: 

Quality sleep is the secret ingredient to height optimization. TruHeight Sleep Gummies, infused with melatonin, are your ticket to restorative rest. These gummies help regulate your sleep cycle, ensuring you get the deep, uninterrupted sleep needed for growth. With TruHeight Sleep Gummies, you're creating the ideal environment for height enhancement during the night. Wake up refreshed and ready to stand taller with confidence.

Protein Shake: 

Protein is the foundation of growth and repair, and TruHeight Protein Shake is here to ensure you're getting the right amount. Designed as a fundamental building block for height development, this shake offers a convenient way to supplement your protein intake. Strengthen your body, support muscle growth, and lay a strong foundation for height enhancement with TruHeight Protein Shake.

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Does TruHeight have any side effects?

We're happy to let you know that we haven't received any reports of negative side effects from TruHeight since we began our company. It's always important to listen to your body and if you have any concerns, please consult with your doctor. We strive to provide safe and effective products for our customers, and we're always here to help if you have any further questions or concerns.

Does TruHeight contain any stimulants, HGH, or steroids?

No, all of Truheight's products are natural blends of herbs and vitamins.

How long does it take to see results?

TruHeight is designed to support healthy bone growth and development over time with consistent use. The results may vary from person to person, and it may take some time to see noticeable changes in height. We recommend taking the suggested dosage of TruHeight supplements daily, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, for at least 6 months to a year to achieve the best results. It's important to note that TruHeight is not a magic solution for height growth, but rather a natural and safe way to support healthy growth and development.

Is TruHeight FDA Approved?

The FDA regulates prescription and over-the-counter drugs, not supplements. That said, our natural, 100% drug-free supplements are manufactured in the USA in a facility that adheres to the requirements of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and uses Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) to ensure its safety.